38 ft Hunter with AC for up to 8 people
38 ft luxuy Hunter This can be considered a family cruiser due to it's size
and all the amenities it offers. It is stationed in Marina Vallarta The sailboat
has a capacity a maximum of 10 people. prices are for up to 8 people and
there is a $25 extra charge per person over 8.
- Padded bathtub, easy access stairs to the water, shower on deck.
- Snorkeling equipment, sun bathing mattress on deck.
- 3 cabins with closets, 1 bathroom.
- Fully equipped kitchen.
- Dining room, A/C, stereo system (I-pod connectivity).
- Full navigation equipment.
- 40 HP Diesel Engine.
- Lifevests, emergency lights and flares, first aid kit.
- Battery capacity for all equipment and 120V diesel power plant.
Prices for up to 8 people
4 hours $650 USD
6 hours $750 USD
8 hours $900 USD
9 hours $1,000 USD
Prices are in USD for a private charters. 4 hour Charters include cooler with
ice, bottled waters, soda, Snorkeling equipment and captain and crew, 6, 8,
and 9 hours include cooler with ice, bottled waters, soda, beer, chips and
guacamole, cold cuts, fresh fruit, Snorkeling equipment and captain and
crew for more info or to reserve please email us direct at info@sailingvallarta.com